- a horse of another colourn.完全另一回事;
- a fear of heights恐高症
- bill of exchangen.汇票;
- behavior of structure结构工状况;
- bed of brick砖底盘;运砖框;
- beasts of burden牛马;
- committee of the wholen.全体委员会;
- Cloak of the Devoured吞噬披风;
- chambers of commerce商会
- Chamber of Deputies众议院;
- chamber of commercen.商会;
- full of beans精神饱满;
- Fang of the Mystics秘法之牙;
- volume of businessn.营业额,销售额;
- hundreds of thousands of几十万,无数;
- Joint Chiefs of Staff(美国)参谋长联席会议;
- hearing of witnesses听证,听取证词;
- institutions of higher learning高等院校;
- message of condolence唁电;
- not much of a不是什么了不起的,称不上…;
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